Over the last two weeks, we have looked at seven disciplines necessary for healthy Christian living. 
They are…
1. A Private Time Daily in the Word and Prayer (quiet time)
2. One Large Group Worship Experience Each Week
3. One Small Group Interactive Bible Study Each Week
4. Regular Meetings With One or More People For Accountability of One’s Moral, Ethical and General Life Focus
5. Maintaining an Avenue of Ministry
6. Expressing Our Faith Through Our Tithes and Offerings
7. Regular Communication of the Gospel
I originally had titled this teaching, “Seven HABITS for Healthy Christian Living.”
I want to pick up on the idea of having good habits and conclude this examination with a final application. 
Do you remember that Hebrews 10:25 says that some have made a habit of not coming to church?
I would like for you to apply that thought to the other disciplines we have talked about in this series of devotional thoughts.
What habits or customs have you developed in your life?
* coffee in the morning.
* exercise routine
* read the paper
* watch a favorite show on TV every day or every week.
The word habit is a natural word, though we often think of it as a negative as we focus on “bad” habits. Just as we have all developed some “bad” habits at times, we must develop “good” habits.
Are you in the habit of reading your Bible or praying?
Are you in the habit of meeting regularly with other believers in the study of God’s Word or to account to others for your lifestyle?
Are you in the habit of seeking opportunities for ministry?
Are you in the habit of giving your tithes and offerings for God’s work?
Are you in the habit of talking about Jesus with others?
I’m told that it takes twenty-one (21) days to form a good habit. So, why not make today “day-one” of a new habit in strengthening your Christian life.