This week, we have been looking at the prayer that Jesus prayed shortly before He went to the cross. Some call it, “The High-Priestly Prayer.” It’s found in John chapter 17.

We have looked at all three parts of this prayer. He prayed first for Himself, then for His apostles (vv. 6–19), and finally for future believers (vv. 20–26).

Now, I simply want to leave you with some simple observations.

The Father gave the Son five things:

1. work  (4))

2. believers  (2,6,9,24)

3. glory (5,24)

4. words  (8,14)

5. a name  (11-12)

The Son in turn gave believers two things:

1. God‘s words (8,14)

2. God’s glory  (22,24)

In short, whatever the Father wants to Son to have, He also wants us to have. We have work which involves helping others to become believers and discover the work the Father has for them to do. We have been given words of life to impart to others. We have been given a name by the one who has a name above all other names. Our name is child of God. We have the privilege of sharing in the glory of the Lord.